maaloo Outdoor – green turns blue

SquareTile150x150The older version of maaloo Outdoor with the green Icon is not available in the Store anymore. The green version has been replaced by the blue version. The blue version is called “maaloo Outdoor 8” and is implemented for Windows Phone 8.0. This has the advantage to record tracks in the background, if you use another app in the foreground. The green version has not this ability and was not updatable to this Windows Phone 8.0 target platform, due to limitations by Microsoft.

If you still want to install the green version, you must use this link from your phone.

If you had bought the green version in the past and do not want to purchase the blue version again, you can upgrade to the blue version by this simple steps.

  1. Install the green version
  2. Install the trial-version of maaloo Outdoor 8 (blue icon)
  3. In the green version go to the Main Screen / Info / Apps / Unlock
  4. The blue version now works like a full version.